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Traditional Outlook integration solutions facilitate synchronizing contacts, calendars, and emails between CRM and Outlook. CRM vendors have a strong bias towards having their users do most of their CRM work inside the CRM app for obvious reasons. Yet, it is Outlook on the desktop that remains the primary tool for all customer engagement, and therefore users find themselves having to constantly switch between the two systems. Recognizing that sales and marketing users live and breathe Outlook all day long, Implicit takes a very different approach and puts a much stronger emphasis on Outlook.
Implicit FrontEnd is a suite of CRM productivity tools that allow users to stay in Outlook and do all their CRM work from outlook. Implicit integrates into all aspects of Outlook functionality and extends it vertically to include CRM-specific capabilities.
Benefits for Your Business
How much does Implicit FrontEnd cost?
Per user per month
Billed Annually
Minimum of 5 seats