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October 23, 2012 Sales

Ringing The Gong: How to Motivate Your Sales Team

Sonja Headshot
By Sonja Fridell

increasing sales with modivationWe’re pretty sales oriented here at BrainSell. Our team is highly motivated and we reward them for their hard work with high commissions, praise and even a gong ring.

We got the idea of the sales gong from SugarCRM headquarters in Cupertino, CA. We were visiting them last year and really liked their sales bell, which hung at the head of the sales floor. When a rep makes a sale, they ring the bell and applause follows.

We took a different approach, why not enhance our chi with a beautiful gong purchased on We situated it on our awards table/area, which is right in the middle of the sales floor.

When a deal of any size is closed, you head over to the gong and give it a good ring.

It’s a fantastic way to make achievements visible, and build camaraderie in a sales team.

A tight sales team with the same objective in mind can be turn into a barreling, powerful force. We’ve seen it here, growing over 30% last year and now we’re tracking to grow over 45% in 2012.

More on how we achieved that growth in blog posts to follow.

Now let’s hear that gong ring!


Ready to rock? So are we!

hand gesturing 'rock on' with a silver studded leather bracelet on the wrist.

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  • We guarantee outcome-based solutions.
  • We practice what we preach – business growth (since 1994).
  • You’ll get Big-Firm advice, without the sticker shock.
  • You get a partner for the long haul — your success is our success!