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January 16, 2017 General

Yoga in the Office – 5 Reasons for Namaste Wednesday

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By Jim Ward

BrainSell CEO, James Ward, discusses his reasons for implementing yoga into the workplace routine in this week’s blog post.

Building a business takes a huge amount of energy.

The daily grind, along with the need to be consistently innovative and reinventing new approaches to business, requires a fresh, and thoughtful approach.

Leading a company through growth requires one to consider the health of the most important asset a company has; the people who make the company tick.  It was through my own personal exploration of yoga that I identified the value of bringing the practice to the office.

Here’s my top 5 reasons to bring yoga to your office:

Building a culture of caring. Taking care of your team and nurturing the creative juices and reducing stress of your most valuable assets.

Yoga Lotus IconFirstly, the concept of practicing yoga creates a further sense of team. Everyone moving in the same direction.  Everyone moving together.

Yoga Lotus IconMindful time. Take a mental siesta. Taking your team’s mind away from the circle of solving problems; taking that mental break where breath and relaxing movement allows team members to shut their engines down and rest.  Furthermore, resuming work with a fresh outlook allows more options to solve problems.

Yoga Lotus IconNew hires. Imagine telling new hires you offer yoga, mats, yoga blocks and straps?  Free yoga helps hire great people.

Yoga Lotus IconBeyond money, beyond the office. People of all ages (particularly Millennials) look today for unique experiences, ways to build self-esteem, self-confidence, reduce stress, build relationships, learn patience, the release of dopamine and endorphins, finding deeper fulfillment.

I believe that we, as business owner,s have a responsibility to nurture our people. It is our duty to provide a path for consistent growth, starting with each individual’s personal growth which has a direct impact on company growth.  Happy people, consequently equals company growth.

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Jim Ward

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