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February 14, 2021 Business Technologies

“Dear CRM: It’s not you, it’s me.”

Sarah Reed Square Version
By Sarah Reed

It’s the loveliest time of the year: Valentine’s Day. It’s time to celebrate love and pledge your deep affection for loved ones – sometimes across a fancy meal in an Italian bistro, and sometimes across social media channels! (Read: “usies” – as if “selfies” weren’t bad enough…)

But, did you know that Valentine’s Day is ironically a popular time for breakups? According to several studies – including one that tracked trends in Facebook relationship statuses – breakups might be the result of added pressure to showcase your relationship on social media around this time. This weight of expectations might be the straw that broke the camel’s back. So if your girlfriend dumps you today, you probably weren’t a good match to begin with…

Here at BrainSell, we aren’t matchmakers for people, but we do match companies with the right software solutions to solve their business problems. And while we take great care in fostering lasting connections between organizations and their technologies, some companies aren’t so lucky and find themselves in a relationship gone bad – particularly with their CRM software.

So, when should you call it quits with your CRM software? Here are four signs that it’s time to let your CRM software down easy:

1. Your CRM is too high maintenance.

If it costs too much time to keep up with upgrades and too much money to scale technologies with your growing business, it may be time to move on.

2. Your sales team and your CRM just can’t seem to hit it off.

When a CRM marries you, it marries your whole organization. Your CRM will only deliver ROI value if it’s used by salespeople. If you’re struggling with user adoption, sit down with your sales team and have a heart-to-heart. Understand why your employees are not using your CRM – maybe they need more training or your CRM is too complex for them. You may love your CRM, but if it just doesn’t get along with the people who are important to your business, something needs to change.

3. Your CRM’s user interface has really let itself go.

We’ve all heard “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but when it comes to the user interface, your employees crave a good customer experience. That usually means your tools need to look and operate similarly to the latest and greatest consumer apps. So, if your CRM has an outdated look and feel, it may be time to change things.

4. You’ve outgrown the relationship.

The right technology for your organization when it was younger isn’t always the right technology after your organization has matured. Whether you require better integrations with other software, more advanced reporting capabilities, or more modern functionality, don’t struggle to keep your relationship with your CRM together by creating tedious workarounds. You may need a more supportive CRM that can satisfy your needs. Acknowledge you’ve outgrown your existing tool and that it’s time to explore new avenues.

If you’re ready to call it quits with your CRM software, learn more about our business blueprint capabilities or contact us so we can help match you up with the right solution for your business.

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Sarah Reed

Sarah leads BrainSell’s marketing team in all digital and communication strategies. With over 15 years of experience in public relations and marketing, Sarah is highly skilled in developing and executing integrated and results-driven marketing programs.

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Sarah Reed

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