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August 15, 2023 Data

Why Does Data Matter in Digital Transformation?

Connor Square v3
By Connor O'Keefe

When it comes to digital transformations, data is as valuable as gold. Data gives you insights to make the best possible decisions, and when you’re in the process of overhauling your business in a digital transformation, making the best decisions possible is critical to your overall success and future prosperity.

Data in Planning Your Digital Transformation

When you’re planning your digital transformation, data can help you determine where you need to go with the process. Making data-driven decisions at the outset of the process is probably the most important thing you can do; in digital transformation, a misinformed beginning can lead to catastrophic results that leave you in a worse position than when you started.

By analyzing your current data, you can identify weak points in your business and develop the plan for improvement. You can also evaluate existing processes and tools to make sure they’re optimized for the digital age. Finally, you can use data to create models of anticipated outcomes so that you understand the risks and rewards of potential strategies.

Before you even call up a digital transformation professional, take good, hard looks at all relevant metrics and analytics. You’ll find that knowing really is half the battle.

Data During the Digital Transformation

When you’re in the midst of your digital transformation, it’s important to keep data at the forefront of your project. Access to data is critical to the project’s success; Lack of data access and management is one of the leading causes behind failed digital transformation projects. You want to keep referring to your KPIs and all relevant metrics to measure the project’s progress and success. Utilize data continuously, from start to finish, in order to ensure that you’re making the right decisions. It’s entirely possible that you may be going in the wrong direction.  Not spending enough time planning and analyzing data at the project’s outset can result in projects going the wrong direction and keeping an eye on data as you go gives you opportunity to course correct.

Data should be used as a guide and an indicator of success throughout your transformation process.  Having a plan in place to monitor and measure the data is essential for successful digital transformation. If you don’t have an established system in place, then create one that will allow you to track and make sense of the data points throughout your project. Using data as a guide during the process helps ensure that you stay focused on reaching your goals, whatever they may be.

Importance of Analytics Post-Transformation

After the transformation process is complete, it may be tempting to put things in cruise control. Resist this urge. Directly after your transformation, it’s very important to keep close eyes on analytics to ensure that the change is going smoothly. One of the most challenging things about digital transformation is that it’s difficult to anticipate all of the outcomes. A lot of the time change is difficult to make stick and any number of things could fall through post-project. Change management can help mitiage these problems as they

Monitoring analytics can help you identify any potential issues and take corrective action immediately. The data collected during this period will also be helpful in planning future projects, as well as adjusting or refining existing ones. Having a system in place to measure, monitor, and analyze your data post-project makes the chances of recidivism much less likely.

Learn More About Digital Transformation

Interested in learning more about your HubSpot Integration options and how they can help your business? Contact BrainSell today and ask about our implementation services! Our team of experts can make your instance of HubSpot work smoothly from day one, guaranteed.

Your Digital Transformation Experts

Digital Transformation is one of the best ways to achieve your growth goals! Embrace the next step in your company’s evolution and give BrainSell a call!

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Author Bio

Connor O'Keefe

Connor O'Keefe joined BrainSell as the content marketing manager in 2023 but has enjoyed writing since he was old enough to spell his name. Connor's passion for creating content is rivaled only on his love for camping trips and trivia nights.

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