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September 30, 2022 Business Services

Frequently Asked Questions: BrainSell’s Solution Blueprint FAQ

brian circle
By Brian Anderson

If you want a streamlined tech implementation and a solution that ultimately works well for your team, you’ll need a Solution Blueprint to get there.

Consider a solution blueprint as a path to success. In other words, it’s a high-level recommendation for a future state solution. This strategy includes an in-depth study of your organization’s people, data, processes, and technologies.

Are you unsure whether a solution blueprint would benefit your business? We’ve put together a list of Solution Blueprint FAQs to help you make the most out of your investment.

Read on to learn more!

Question: Why are Solution Blueprints Important?

Solution blueprints are important because they help businesses effectively implement new technologies or processes. A well-crafted solution blueprint will consider your organization’s specific needs and objectives. This ensures that the final product is a success!

Here are some of the most common reasons companies turn to us for a solution blueprint:

  • You are about to start a vendor selection, software implementation, business process redesign, data audit, or software customization project.
  • You suffered through a failed implementation and want to re-implement.
  • You struggle with user adoption.
  • You want better metrics visibility.
  • You are migrating to a new platform.
  • You have specific or complex platform integration needs.
  • You want to consolidate your business processes.

Watch this video to learn more about why Solution Blueprints are important and why you should do one:

Question: Why Should We Work with BrainSell to Develop a Solution Blueprint?

We don’t play favorites with tech companies, we go above and beyond, and our goal is to deliver on your desired outcomes. Our consulting team is independent of the software sales side of the business. We are 100% tech agnostic and have no bias in our recommendations. Plus, we assist you with change management—which is something that companies too often overlook.

We are results-driven facilitators and tenacious technology geeks with significant practical expertise who have meaningful, personal experience implementing projects. We also believe in openness and responsiveness, even when there is no change to report. You will never be left in the dark.

Question: Why Can’t I Create a Solution Blueprint Myself?

Nothing is stopping you from doing this yourself! However, many of our clients have said that working with BrainSell was valuable thanks to risk mitigation alone. You may not be able to zoom out to critique your own processes and technology enough without a third-party bird’s-eye view. This is our day job, after all.

Our solution blueprint services save you from devoting internal resources and hours of research and analysis that would be necessary for you to understand all possible ways forward. Our goal is to move you in the right direction. You don’t know what you don’t know, but our growth enablement experts have helped hundreds of companies implement new processes and technology. We’ve seen it all, and that experience helps those who haven’t taken part in such a project before.

Question: How Much Does a Solution Blueprint Cost, and How Long Do They Take?

Our solution blueprints can range between $10,000 and $70,000+, depending on your specific needs. The actual blueprint process can last anywhere between four and eight weeks, varying based on the number of systems in question, the number of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that must be interviewed, and overall project complexity.

Here is a quick video explaining our pricing structure for solution blueprints, as well as a detailed workflow that walks through how long solution blueprint projects tend to take.

Question: What Does the Solution Blueprint Process Look Like, and What Should I Expect in Terms of Deliverables?

We’ve developed a blueprint process that aligns people, processes, data, and technology to key strategies of your business. Specifically, the key areas of the blueprint process include:

  • A CX Process and Strategy Review
  • A System Review
  • SME Interviews
  • Identification of Success Metrics

The outcomes from a solution blueprint include:

  • A Requirements Summary
  • A mockup of Future-State Architecture
  • A full-fledged Proof of Concept
  • Technology Recommendations

Watch this video for more details on the Solution Blueprint process and the deliverables you can expect from such a project:

Question: If I already identified a particular piece of technology, why can’t I go to the vendor for implementation?

In theory, you could go to the vendor directly. However, in our experience, this is not always the best route to take.

Remember that a successful implementation requires much more than just technology. There must also be a well-designed process in place, as well as buy-in from those who will be using the technology on a day-to-day basis.

That’s why we always recommend working with an experienced partner who can help you take a holistic view of your needs and develop a comprehensive plan for change. BrainSell has that experience, and we’re always here to help.

Question: Why do you assess the entire organization versus the department/function in question?

In order to provide the best solution, we need to understand how your current technology and processes work together (or don’t work together) across the entire organization.

We approach solution blueprints from a holistic customer lifecycle approach. We assess the entire organization because we want to make sure we understand how everyone’s roles fit into the customer experience puzzle and how technology should be leveraged to optimize that experience.

Only then can we develop a comprehensive plan that will optimize your technology stack and help you achieve your desired outcomes.

Question: You Say BrainSell is Tech Agnostic, but you Have a Clear Product Portfolio. How Does That Impact Solution Blueprints?

The consulting side is independent of our tech division. We never want to be in a position where we’re recommending a particular solution just because it’s something we happen to sell. Both sides work separately but oftentimes work together when the time is right.

We always start with a clean slate and work with our clients to develop the best possible solution for their needs, whether that includes products from our portfolio or not. The reason for this is that we want what’s best for our clients, regardless of whether we sell it. In other words, we’re always focused on finding the right solution for your specific needs – not trying to upsell you on a particular product.

Question: What Does the Client Lift Look Like for a Solution Blueprint Project?

Solution blueprints require that we interview a select number of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess the company’s current go-to-market initiatives. Also, the client selects a Project Sponsor (usually a member of the C-suite) for executive alignment purposes. BrainSell also requests access to the client’s head of IT, or whoever is knowledgeable of the company’s tech infrastructure.

With every solution blueprint, the client must also select someone on their team to be the project manager and coordinate communication between BrainSell, the Project Sponsor, the IT contact, and all SMEs.

In terms of timeframes, clients can expect a kickoff call, a weekly status call, and regular check-ins between project managers. SME interviews and systems reviews tend to be an hour in length per SME. Finally, there is a findings review that sums up all the information BrainSell has uncovered, as well as recommendations for any next steps.

Question: How Tidy Does My Data Need to Be to See Value in a Solution Blueprint?

The client’s data is part of our recommendation always, as we believe data is the fuel of modern business growth. However, your database does not need to be squeaky clean to gain value from a solution blueprint. That is because our team of experts is versed in data analysis and can help you sort through any mess to uncover valuable insights.

Additionally, we never want to be in a position where we’re making recommendations without understanding how your current technology and processes work together. And your data is key to that communication between systems.

Question: What Happens After the Blueprint?

Based on the deliverables provided by the BrainSell team after a Solution Blueprint, the client can decide to work with us through those recommendations — whether it be an implementation, migration, or maybe process tweaks. Clients can also take the findings and use them as they see fit.

Ultimately, the choice is up to the client! We’re here to support you 100% of the way.



Not Finding the Answer?

BrainSell is here to help with all your Solution Blueprint questions. Reach out to us, and we’d be more than happy to get you the answers you need so you can focus on growing your business.


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