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October 30, 2014 Business Technologies

5 Reasons BrainLink Beats SugarCRM’s Outlook Plugin

Sonja Headshot
By Sonja Fridell


Why BrainLink beats Sugar’s native plugin any day of the week:

1. Archive and synchronize contacts, accounts, leads, etc. –

Just as in Sugar’s native plugin, you can archive and sync contacts, leads, accounts, etc. However, this is where the comparison effectively ends. Sugar’s native CRM/Outlook connector is a little bare when it comes to extra functionality.  For a full comparison between BrainLink and Sugar’s native plugin, download BrainLink Trial and try it for yourself.

2. Lets you operate SugarCRM directly within Outlook –

BrainLink allows you to create and edit records directly within Outlook. In addition, BrainLink’s powerful options menu allows you to control exactly what is synced and archived into Sugar. From BrainLink’s “Sync Pane” located directly in Outlook, you can perform everyday Sugar tasks without actually opening up your browser. All the actions you take on BrainLink will seamlessly show up in Sugar.

3. View full contacts, accounts, etc. from Outlook in a list-view –

Unlike Sugar’s native plugin, BrainLink allows you to view records on the fly. From there, you can edit and create new records directly under each module.

4. View all related data across all modules within Outlook –

Within BrainLink, you can easily look through all cross-module data just as you would under a Sugar contact. Just double click on the contact/account/etc. within any list, and hit the “Related Data” tab to view the cross-module data just as you would in Sugar’s CRM.

5. Acts as an offline SugarCRM client when off-the-grid –

There is no program that will allow you to work on Sugar in airplane mode or “off-the-grid” besides BrainLink. As soon as you’re back online, everything you do on BrainLink will sync with Sugar. Although this is a small functionality, it could prove invaluable during trips or emergency situations. This is especially useful for the traveling salesperson looking for a leg-up.


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