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April 26, 2019 General

Business Software Playlist: 5 Songs for Your Technology Blues

Ali Headshot
By Ali Lipman

There is a song for everythingeven managing your technology stack. As BrainSell’s resident music nerd, I decided to put together this playlist for the common challenges that we help businesses solve everyday. Happy listening!

1. Vendor Selection: “Ten Storey Love Song” by The Stone Roses  

There’s no sure-fire set solutions,
No shortcut through the trees. 

How do you even begin the search? In 2018, analysts estimated there were over 200 vendors for CRM alone. Maybe you’ve just begun to digitize your processes and you’re looking for technology that supports you. Maybe you’re a seasoned business technology user who knows when it’s time to change it up. Either way, it’s a daunting task to evaluate market options.

But business software is a big investment with an even bigger payoff. We believe in putting people and process first before vendor selection. Let us help you document your business processes, so you can select a solution that scales with you 

 2. Migrating Off Legacy Systems: Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac  

Loving you isn’t the right thing to do. 

Look, wget it. Change is hard. Your team has been suffering through poor functionality with outdated and old technology for so long that they’ve become numb to the inconveniences of it, but you know that you’re losing money if you stay with it. It’s time to go your own way. Tie up any loose ends, make sure your data is backed up and organized, and embrace the change. Itworth it!

3. Implementation: Yes I’m Changing by Tame Impala  

There is another future waiting there for you.
I saw it different, I must admit,
I caught a glimpse, I’m going after it. 

Implementing new software is exciting and scary, but there is nothing to fearMake sure that you’re working with a project team that can provide a road-map for deployment and clear cut expectations for everyone involved. Selection of your implementation partner is just as important vendor selection. 

We work closely with companies to deliver a smooth and efficient implementation experienceOur implementation services include prototyping, customization, integration, workflow mapping, and all other design development. After testing and quality assurance is complete, we roll out your shiny new system in incremental phases that don’t interrupt your daily business operations, and help your employees with adoption. 

4. Training: Hang On TYour Ego by The Beach Boys  

I know so many people who think they can do it alone.
They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones. 

This holds true for many who are learning about or implementing new technologies, but this is also one of the biggest reasons why new users fail to adopt software. But you don’t have to hang on to your ego. There are plenty of people and resources that can help you with adoption – so take advantage. 

Right out of the gate, engineers and product experts who understand both your business processes and your technologies can help you get the most value out of your investment with training engagements. You can save a ton of time and frustration by taking the time to learn the basics and best practices of new technologies from professionals.

5. User Adoption: Revolution” by The Beatles  

You say you got a real solution?
Well, you know we’d all love to see the plan. 

You invested technologies that promised to make your employees more efficient and effective. So, why are they resistant to use it? Sometimes there’s a disconnect between the process and the technology that supports it. Technology should provide value and support for the processes of people who actually use it.  

For example, data entry in your CRM shouldn’t take up much of your sales team’s time. Your CRM should also give them organized and intelligent insights on their sales pipelineBut implementing the right solution is only the first step. Sales leaders need to show their teams how to use the solutionSo, collaborate with your team to find the configurations that best fit their needs.

Don’t see you’re your tech problems on this playlistLet’s chat! We have more to offer than music recommendations – we also help organizations thrive by solving their business challenges. 

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Ali Lipman

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Ali Lipman wearing a black blouse with small white polka dots and white collar.

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